Saturday, March 14, 2009


One more measly day left before I set forth on my journey to Africa. The array of emotions I'm going through are as vast as the Oceans horizon. Last night I really had a break down. It felt as if a veil was lifted and I saw the realty of what I'm about to embark upon for the first time. I had my flip out moment where I said to my husband "Is there anyway I can get out of this?" What about my favorite quote by the late Charles Filmore who said "I have the right to change my mind at anytime"...I love that quote, can't I apply it to my life right now?! I have to admit though, I am far more excited then anxious (at least in this moment anyway). I've known all my life that I would go to Africa and serve her people. I still have vivid memories of myself as a child daydreaming about this very trip...What a master manifester I was, huh! Anyhow, the time is here and I am ready...Send all your warm wishes, thought & prayers my way. Talk to you soon....


1 comment:

jen said...

i'm so excited for you!!!!! muah!