Friday, April 25, 2008

My first Casa catch

Last night at 6:51pm I caught my first baby here at Casa...a beautiful baby girl! The staff midwife that attended was the one I mentioned in my last post that's extremely interventive. I did manage to squeak away with a whopping six minutes of delayed cord clamping!! That's pretty rare here at Casa :-) Another intern and I tried to coax the midwife into allowing the mom to birth in a different position since the mom was complaining of back discomfort and the intensity of the pain (from being flat on her back). We failed miserably but at least we tried. She literally looked at us like our heads were on backwards!

We had two more mamas come in for labor checks throughout the night...One was sent back home and the other is still in labor with an OP baby (and of course flat on her back). I really hope to be with that Mom when she births as i was with her all night - Still adjusting to the idea of shift changes but quite honestly there so needed here.

I love and miss you all so much...only 16 more days to go...I cant wait to be back home!!!!



Anonymous said...

YAY Kim. At least you got away with the 6 minutes, better then nothing. I am curious if the mom would have pushed for the different position if the other midwife would have been so opposed. Oh well to late now. Congrats on your first catch, hope there are many more to come and the OP baby doesnt give her/his mom to much trouble, and you are able to be with her.

Kimberly said...

I know the mom would have been open for a position change, after all she was the one who voiced that she was uncomfortable in that position in the first placed. I went and checked out Maternidad La Luz the other day...It's another birth center that's about 25 minutes from here, it's also a midwifery school. It was absolutely PHENOMINAL...I so wish I could have been there instead. Unfortunately they only do three month long internships there and there's no way I could be away from my kids for that long of a stretch!

So the mom ended up delivering just a few hours ago. She did incredible! I wasn't able to actually be in the room for the birth but me and the other interns watched from the tv (there's cameras in all the birth rooms here). I visited with her postpartum to congratulate her and tell her what an incredible job she did...I really LOVE working with the families here.

BTW - How is my sweet little baby girl doing? You have to update me!


Hattie and Mike said...

Hey Kim,

It sounds like you're having quite an experience with both challenges and joys. I know it's hard to be in a learning environment that doesn't match the strong conviction, vision, and passion you hold in your own beliefs and philosophy. (I've obviously had similar conflicts/feelings in the classroom setting) I think you're keeping a great attitude though. Some of what you gain will enhance your future practice and you already know what won't!! The women giving birth are so lucky to have you there!

Nikki said...

Congrats Kim!!! Sounds like you were able to get done a little of what you wanted with the birth. I'm sure a little went a long way with the momma. It's sometimes the smallest things that we remember the most! Keep on catching those babies :)

Kimberly said...

Thanks Hattie! Send my love to Mike. I get back home on the 11th of May and would like to have a BBQ sometime soon. It would be great if you and Mike could make it. I'll keep you posted. I hear the weather back home has been terific! It amazes me, the day that I left it was snowing...this was only two weeks ago :-)

I appreciate your comments, love & support...See you soon!


jen said...


counting down the days!

Natasha said...

Miss you so much Kim!! I am so proud of you for sticking with all of this newness and stress.. you WILL make a difference in these womens lives and sometimes the best things we learn are the things we will NOT do ourselves!!!

Can't wait to see you when you get back... please let me know where to send some goodies!!


dedo586 said...

Hey Kim just came by to check on your blog and it sounds like your feeling better. I knew you would distract them to keep that cord uncut for a couple minutes! Lol, you woulda started doin cartwheels sayin look at me just to get the attention off of that cord! Anyway, I have my appt with the midwives on tuesday, I probably gained like 100 pounds lol. I'm kidding! Me mom and Jessica are going to the Casino on my birthday weekend to bad your gone it would of been fun to go with you. Everyone is doing good. Is there a number where I could call you over there or no? If there is let me know in my email and tell me what time to call. Heres the email DEDO586@ATT.NET hope to hear from you soon! love you and miss you a lot your lil sis Krys.